Monday, September 28, 2009

You're the Reason God Made...Anesthesia

I just got back from my very own little 19-hour mini-vacation to the fabulous, luxurious St. Clare Crawfordsville! Yes, that's right, yours truly was hospitalized. My very first (other than birth) overnight hospital stay. I even fainted (another first!). This is just the quick version. I'll provide more details later, but right now I'm pooped and wanted everyone to know how this baby thing has turned out.

I had yet another bout of heavy bleeding last night that started while I was exercising. After about an hour of bleeding that was not stopping, I told M to take me to the hospital. While I was in the ER, they were preparing to take some blood for tests, and I passed out because I had lost so much blood and my BP dropped so low. M nearly lost his shit with worry at that one, but he was a trooper. Anyway, I'm okay, but they asked me after stabilizing me if I wanted to stay or go home, and I said I'd feel more comfortable staying the night, so they moved me to the OB ward. This morning, my doc came in and asked if a D&C was what I wanted to do to get this over with, so they fit me in. After I spent about an hour in recovery, I got moved up back to my room and was allowed to rest until I could pee and eat (yum! I hadn't been allowed to eat or drink in about 14 hours) and then they let me go.

Like I said, more later, 'cause I'm freaking sleepy.


* Stringham high: It was a night of firsts.
* Stringham wierd: The whole time I was sleeping in the hospital, I had classic country songs running through my head. I like them, but all I kept hearing were "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma," "One of a Kind (Pair of Fools)." Oh, and then there was also (not country) "Good night, Sweetheart, well, it's time to go..." while I was TRYING to fall asleep.
* Stringham super-high: Yay, Medicaid!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seeds of Life

Just a few minutes ago, as M and I were talking in the kitchen, we heard a knock on the door. I went to the door to see the UPS man getting back in his van, having left a box on our doorstep. We wondered what the box could be, as we hadn't ordered anything recently. Seeing a sticker on the box that said it contained a gift box, we wondered who it could be from, discussing the usual list of "suspects" who are frequent users of the Internet or phone services to order special deliveries to us for special occasions (though what the occasion was, we weren't sure).

Inside was a gift box from Seeds of Life containing a pot, soil, an oak seed, and a card. The card read "In memory of one seed that will be are both in our thoughts" and gave the names of the sender(s). Oh, that's the occasion. I cried, both for the sentiment and for the blessing of having such a friend. A simple note summarized everything, and the gift was perfect. We choose to celebrate our anniversary every year by planting, so what better way to memorialize our first child (the grandfetus, as one of the grandparents referred to the baby while I was still pregnant) than to plant this oak tree in his or her honor? We are incredibly touched by the thoughtfulness, consideration, and spirit in which this gift was given.

To that friend (you know who you are), we want to say Thank You. No words can ever express how much this gift means to use or how grateful we are for your friendship. May you forever walk in the light of God's love.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sad News: The M Word

I have miscarried. We were alerted by our ultrasound a little over a week ago that it was possible I had miscarried or that we were several weeks further behind in pregnancy than we had thought. But we miscarried. Had a couple of messy nights. We're taking it okay, with some ups and downs, as well as can be expected, probably better than some would expect.

I've had lots of support and consoling news from women who are friends and family who have experienced miscarriage, and I've taken comfort from that.

Anyway, I don't want to dwell here, because if I'm on too long, I'll start telling you about every emotional up and down we've been through, and I don't really think that's necessary.

We are--well, I am--eternally optimistic, so though we have fears (which are only natural, given the circumstances), we will keep moving on and trying again. Hey, at least now we know we CAN get pregnant. We didn't know that before early July.

* Stringham high: We're alive and healthy, the weather's beautiful, and we still love each other
* Stringham low: We've had to say goodbye to our baby for now.
* Stringham super-high: Got a new workout program for the Wii. M's loving it. (I haven't had a chance to try more than 10 minutes of it yet.)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Pearl

I called my caseworker again this afternoon and left a message that I was checking in, because she had said we should hear something LAST week and because the doctor has been having some trouble getting through to me or M on our phones. You know, the excuses for calling to say, "Please, just tell me what the hell is going on and if we and our relatives are going to have to foot the entire bill for this baby! Just let me know now to put me out of my misery of anxiety!"

Just before taking in my second batch of 24-hour urine sample, I got a phone call back from the caseworker. She was very chipper, sounding almost like she was smiling. Oh, this is good, I thought. Then she said my case had just been opened today. My breath caught--what did this mean? I was going to have to wait another three weeks just to hear a decision? Bringing myself back to the phone call, I heard the caseworker say that it would take a couple of days for my information to arrive at the doctor's office. This one kind of stumped me, but I saw a little ray of sunshine. Just as I was going to ask what this meant, I heard, "And your card will be mailed to [my address]." Ooh, I almost squealed in excitement and relief!

Whew, what a load off my mind. Now we can schedule an ultrasound and figure out just WHEN in the month of March, this little sucker's most likely to make an appearance. I'm betting right around mid-March, and even as late as the spring equinox...right around when my Mammaw (and a great grandma, I believe) came into the world. (Throughout my pregnancy, my thoughts keep straying to Mammaw, more than they ever have before, and I feel like she's been with me throughout everything. Maybe because of that, I keep imagining our own little version of Myrtle Pearl running around.)

Incidentally, I did a Google Search for Myrtle Ahl, and out of hundreds of thousands of search results, the first one (and only one, as far as I could tell) one was actually about Mammaw. It is, of course, for a company that wants to make money, but the information there is accurate (I updated a bit, though it will only stay updated until mid-September. Title links to it.

* Stringham high: Medicaid!
* Stringham low: a couple of not-so-great pregnancy side effects
* Stringham super-high: Medicaid = Peace of Mind!