With the craziness that is our lives in the spring and
summer, given yard work and dear hubby’s ever-changing work schedule, I realize
I haven’t written anything of length in a long time, only quick little updates
on Facebook. So, here’s something a bit more substantial.
Everything is going well with the pregnancy. I’m a furnace
and am miserable on most days it gets above 80 with no breeze if I’m outside, so I try to stay inside as much
as possible. My blood pressure has been behaving, though my OB says he doesn’t
think it will stay that way; he’s wagering that it will shoot up around Week
34. I’m hoping for NOT. I’ve had no headaches or visual disturbances to worry
about. Occasional dry eye and blurriness from the pollen, and occasional
headaches from muscle tension or congestion (again, thanks to the pollen)—but nothing
that a single Tylenol capsule doesn’t get rid of.
The next few weeks are going to be full of doctor appointments (OB, chiropractor, ophthalmologist) and classes (infant CPR and first aid, childbirth, childcare, hospital tour), along with many projects that my clients want done before my weeks of maternity leave and much overtime for dear M. We had two baby showers last week here in Indiana, and between the gifts we received and the money and gift cards, we now have the basics for caring for a newborn. Now we just need to get things unpacked in the baby's room, and we'll be as ready as it is possible to be to welcome a new person into our home and lives.
I’m at Week 32 when Father’s Day hits, so 8 weeks or less (I
hope) until we meet Baby Stringham! I’m not incredibly uncomfortable, but Baby Stringham is now growing fast
and large enough that it’s sometimes a struggle even to get dressed. I’m ready to be
done, even though I’m enjoying the pregnancy. It’s close enough that my brain
will now allow me to consider birth as a real possibility—something I wouldn’t
give too much thought to before, after two miscarriages and all the
difficulties I’ve faced in the past 2 1/2 years. Along with considering birth
comes considering the possibilities of what can go wrong leading up to and
during labor, including preeclampsia and postnatal hemorrhaging (that one based
on my experiences with the miscarriages). These have been discussed with my OB,
however, and we have plans in place. [I think it's good that the next few weeks are going to be so busy, so I can't devote too much thought to those things that might cause me anxiety.]
Still, I have begun a daily affirmation, which I’m going to
share with you. Please feel free to say it each day with me, or to pray for us,
or to do nothing but wait excitedly for Baby Stringham’s arrival—whatever floats
your boat.
I am staying healthy for the remainder of the pregnancy,
through labor and delivery, and after. My blood pressure is NOT going to rise.
My vision is NOT going to worsen—it might even improve. My intracranial
pressures are going to stay normal. I am not going to stress out and cause
myself or the baby undue hardship. Whatever happens will happens, and we have
plans. We know what CAN happen, and we know how to handle any of those things,
which empowers us. Labor and delivery will go smoothly. I hope Baby Stringham
will come into this world as quickly and easily as I did, but if not, so long
as things move quickly enough that I can maintain my strength, all will be
successful. I will not need pain relief or intervention of any kind, because my
body will behave and will act appropriately. This pregnancy has gone smoothly
so far, so there’s no reason to expect it will not continue that way through
delivery and afterward. All is well. All will be well. Our little family is
strong and can face anything together, and knowing that makes us even stronger.
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