Saturday, August 22, 2009

We Are Gathered Here Today to Join in Eternal, Perpetual (if we're lucky) Wedlock PVC and CPVC...

What was a tiny leak a couple of weeks ago and a very, very small leak this morning had turned into a leak (still small, but much more damaging) the size of the original this evening. It messed up our linoleum even more and left quite a bit of mold on the wooden plank that the pipe is secured to.

M has once again tried to fix it, with the last connector we have (from the bunch of 4 that I bought a few weeks ago) and one of the last o-rings (from a box of them we bought a few weeks ago). Interestingly, in the piece he sawed off tonight,we could actually see the disconnect between the cement and the piping. Needless to say, that didn't make us happy. But we tried a few more tricks (an extra layer or two of cement combined with the 90-degree twist, for one) and we're going to let it sit overnight to dry instead of just 5 hours like last time. *sigh*

This plumbing thing is for the birds. And we can't figure out why the hell this joint (technically, a new joint each time) is leaking, when none of the others we've done in our year here have leaked. We can only guess that it's because we're trying to connect PVC with CPVC. Hence why we're leaving it to set longer this time, in case the two materials need longer to bond together with the cement (the cement is for both CPVC and PVC). The problem is that we just can't find a PVC fitting that we need to match up to the PVC piping. Grr.

If all goes well, you, our friends and family, won't have to hear more bitching about this topic ever again. This last joint lasted a month or so. Maybe the next one will last to put off the formation of New Grand Canyon (see earlier post) until after our lifetimes...if we're lucky.(By the way, on, clicking on the title of this post takes you to a video that shows some linoleum that ours is aspiring to be's already peeling away from the floor and wall.) [I know, you're thinking all I can do is bitch, bitch, bitch. And I'm okay with you thinking that. Sometimes the two of us get a little isolated here and we need others to bitch to. :D ]

* Stringham high: Our kitchen table is loaded down with produce from our garden, both fresh and preserved.
* Stringham low: Water.
* Stringham super-high: What's there to be super-high about when it's 11:36 PM and you're fixing plumbing issues and will be without water for 12-24 hours? Oh, our health, I suppose. And the baby...sorry, fetus.

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